
University Relations
University Sponsorship Application

University Sponsorship Application

Each year, our Society conducts a Fall/Winter and Winter/Spring event sponsorship cycle for finance and economics university departments, student associations, and non-profits affiliated with university programming. 

For the Fall/Winter cycle (events taking place from September - December 2024), applications have now closed.

For the Winter/Spring cycle (events taking place from January - June 2025), the application deadline is November 17, 2024.

Please note, if you submit an application after the application deadline your submission will not be counted. 

If you are submitting a sponsorship application for multiple events, please use a new application for each event. If your sponsorship information package lists all events, feel free to use the same package for each application.

Please include as much information as possible, to allow our Awards and University Relations Committee application evaluators to determine your sponsorship eligibility. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Our sponsorship program is intended to support student exclusive events. If you are submitting an application for an alumni specific event, preference will be given to events for current students.

Contact Information

(Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr, Etc)
I am a...

If applicable.

Organization Information

Department, student organization, etc.

Event Information

I am applying for the...
If a date has not been confirmed yet, please put the anticipated date.
Please provide a description of the purpose of the event, relevancy with Finance, benefits for students, audience background, and event goals. Feel free to indicate where this information can be found in your sponsorship information packet.
i.e. networking, speaker presentations, case competition or a mix of all the above
Estimated Guest Attendance:

Event Format:

Sponsorship Amount Requested:

If you've selected "Other" please specify the amount and provide further information.
Please describe the reasoning for the requested amount and what expenses this will cover.
What are the benefits associated with sponsoring this event? If this can be found in the sponsorship package please indicate where.
How do you intend on marketing this event? Eg. marketing channels, email communications, how do you plan on reaching the target audience, etc.
Has this event received CFA Society Toronto sponsorship in the past?

Representative Information

Do you need an outreach representative for this event?
If yes, select a representative type:

If you answered yes to the outreach representative question, you will need to submit a separate request. Please copy and paste the URL below after you submit your sponsorship application.

If applicable, please indicate the Society's Awards & University Relations Committee Member, Student Ambassador, or staff member that referred you.

Please upload your sponsorship information package or any other supportive documents.
Click 'select' to locate your document.
Select choices